The 1960s marked the beginning of a decisive shift in the technological and political arena. Ever since the Big Bang, humanity has sought to evolve technologically in order to improve its way of life on Planet Earth. From scientific discoveries and innovations to technological advancements, the 1960s shook up the status quo and inspired people from all walks of life to change their own.
Technology and inventions in 1960 were a time of incredible growth for the world. Many memorable moments that shaped the history of the modern world happened in this decade, from the development and landing on the moon to the establishment of ATMs and credit cards.

Smoke Detectors (1969)
There are still a lot of things to be done with technology in order to make our lives easier. There are also changes that can be made in the political sense. Globalization and internationalization give us a great opportunity to improve our daily lives. Smoke detectors, also called smoke alarms, came into being and were manufactured in the 1960s. They were first used in 1969 on store shelves outside California.
Word Processor (1967)
During this time of quick growth and advancement, a simple yet revolutionary way to record one’s thoughts was invented on a quiet evening. The sharpened tip of a pencil was joined with sheets of paper no longer than 20 inches long. These two were then bound together through the application and use of natural rubber, forming the first-ever ballpoint pen in an office supply store in California.
Laser Surgery (1960)
Inventions and technologies started easing the lives of people across the world as they became more affordable, accessible, and easier to use. With a growing number of advancements being created every year, it would be futile to try and list down all these technologies in this article. Below are listed some of the most notable ones that marked the dawn of future tech as we know it today.
Digital Audio Tape (1963)
Analog and digital. Tape and disk. Once these terms separate music enthusiasts or audiophiles from collectors of records and CDs – now they represent much more. The growth in the way we enjoy our music has exploded over the last decade but it wasn’t always that way. Music on the go, streaming video and audio, Internet radio, and the ability to enjoy all this with a simple click.
In other words, this was the decade that forever changed the way we live our lives. And although technological inventions up to that point were not nearly as innovative and amazing as those in the 1960s era, it is important to note what went on before because these events helped pave the way for everything else to come. It also helps to see how far we have come in just under a century of technological development.