What is luck?

When I was a kid, I had this notion about life that it would always give me what I was destined to get. I was leaning on destiny for most of the things I did. As a teenager, I would often argue with my close friends that we would only get what we were destined to get. The source of this thought was the myriad of talks I had overheard between my parents.

I was born into a financially deprived family. The talks that I grew up with made me believe that I was meant to be like my parents when I grow up. This was the most unfortunate thing to have happened to me. I started thinking that being financially deprived was my destiny. It was my luck.


However, all of these changed one day. It has Christmas and I was outside looking for some kind person to offer me some food or clothes. After having waited for about three hours near the church gate, a person showed some kindness and came towards me with a bag of goodies. He sat beside me on the bench I was sitting.

I supposed that he had brought some food or clothes for me. But, he had none. Instead, he took out some books and other things from the bag. I was confused. 

“What on earth made this person think that I would be interested in books on a Christmas evening?” I thought to myself.

Seconds later, he kept those books on the bench and said to me, “I know that you were not expecting this. It’s Christmas and you want toys, sweets and other things. But, trust me when I say this – There is nothing that can change your luck except these books.”

Having said that, he walked away.

It has been 10 years since that day. I have grown into someone I never believed I could be. Thanks to that random young man who gave me those books. They changed my life completely.

I have completed my education and I’m looking for a way to go to Canada. I have supported my education and now I want to support the education of a lot of other kids who are made to believe in luck.

The funny thing about luck is that it is not just kids who believe in it. Even some well-educated adults like to think that they will get lucky someday and everything will change. I know someone who applies for Canada DV lottery every year. Just like me, he wasn’t to go to Canada too. But unlike me, he sorts to try his luck in Canada DV lottery rather than becoming more skilled and gaining more work experience. I wish good for him, but I know that relying on luck and not doing real work won’t help him.

As I’m typing this blog post, someone has just dropped a mail in my mailbox. I don’t believe in luck, but I’m pretty sure it is related to my Canada immigration application. I must have got the approval. Well, this is a surprise that I will disclose in my future blog post. For now, take care and stop trying your luck.

Is crystal healing a viable solution to health problems?

The world, as we know it, has advanced very much in terms of medical and holistic healing approach. Medical science has boomed in recent years. Many new discoveries of medicines have made it convenient for people to get treated sooner than they used to be. Alternative medicines have cropped up extensively in the past few years. Amidst all these, there is an ancient method of holistic healing that is still in use in the modern-day world. This healing technique is popularly known today at crystal healing.

Crystal healing is popular in many parts of the world. There are many who wonder if this form of healing and treatment is the replacement of modern medicines and treatments.


In this article, we have covered the various arguments that conclude that crystal healing is a solution to many health problems but still not a replacement of the core medicinal treatments in the streamline.

To understand this better, let’s get back to the basics. Let’s understand how crystal healing became a trend in the first place. Crystal healing had been in the world since people initially started taking an interest in rocks and minerals. With the discovery of new forms of rocks, people started studying this intensely and many even started polishing them to make them look better. The shine in the rocks made people more interested in exploring this.

As time passed, people started exploring the metaphysical features of these rocks, which were then given specific names.

Many different forms of rocks were discovered. Out of the many forms of rocks, quartz was considered to be more useful and beneficial to humans. Natural quartz has certain metaphysical and healing properties in them which make them more demanding in the market. However, people have also started creating more formations of rocks through certain alchemical processes. These crystals formed as a result of a human-made process are known as Aura quartz crystals. These crystals have the properties of natural quartz and also derive the features from the metals used in making these crystals. Out of the many forms of aura quartz crystals, I like the Aqua aura quartz more. Aqua aura quartz has a beautiful surface, which makes it alluring and deeply captivating.

While natural and human-made crystals do have properties for healing the human mind, body and soul, they are not licensed to be used as a replacement for mainstream medicines or treatments. They can only be used as assistance to help people go through major illnesses and get out of it with trust and belief. However, there are certain diseases that can be cured through crystal healing. These are not major diseases and you can use crystals as the main source of treatment for this kind of disease.

However, we always suggest you use these crystals with precaution. Make sure to consult your physician or general doctor before using these crystals as the main form of medication.

Why Are People Interested In Buying Fake Diamonds?

There are numerous diamond options that have come to advertise as of late, and at times, individuals could allude to these as “fake” “manufactured,” “recreated” or “imitation diamond“. Reenacted diamonds are stones that alone seem as though diamonds, like cubic zirconia, white sapphire, moissanite, zircon, rutile, spinel, and manufactured garnet. Individuals for the most part purchase diamond rings for engagement or commemoration purposes however do you truly require a unique diamond ring to demonstrate your affection and worth? One of the reasons diamonds are so costly is that they are for all intents and purposes indestructible. Do you need your engagement ring to truly keep going forever? Here are some reasons to not choose the real diamonds and go for the synthetic ones.

Diamond Miner

It’s Beautiful 

Why hold up until you get connected to wear one of the most beautiful things of jewelry you’ll ever observe? Diamonds and their cheap other options, reproduced diamonds, are verifiably lovely. The play of light and color in an appealing setting is a unique bit of jewelry. A reproduced diamond brings this alluring jewelry thing into the value scope of designer jewelry. You can even have reenacted diamonds in settings with other colored gemstones. Have jewelry to go with different outfits and temperaments. 

Lose It and Don’t Cry 

A few people are clumsy. Others are prone to lose things. They are continually losing phones, keys, and different things. The vast majority of these things are disturbing and badly designed things to lose however you get over it. Losing an engagement ring is less insignificant. The wistful worth and the monetary worth make losing an engagement ring sad. A phony engagement ring removes the dread and blame from losing an over the top expensive ring.

Travel Security 

While you might be happy with wearing a genuine diamond engagement ring at home, when on an extended get-away or voyaging a reenacted diamond might be the reasonable substitute. Regardless of whether you ransacked you won’t feel a similar degree of agony as you feel if there should be an occurrence of genuine diamond jewelry. While making a trip to any piece of the world attempt to convey counterfeit diamonds with you so you may not feel the blame subsequent to getting ransacked. It isn’t compulsory that you may get looted however avoiding potential risk is in every case better. 

Stops Speculation 

It is safe to say that you are besieged by inquisitive inquiries concerning your relationship status? You may feel glad to tell individuals yet you may likewise feel that it’s none of their business. You may have no expectation of consistently being hitched, have as of late isolated, or simply would prefer not to talk about it. Wear a cheap however sensible phony engagement ring and keep away from the inquiries. 

Choose Together Later 

Purchasing an engagement ring can be an unpleasant activity. Consider the possibility that you get the choice wrong. Regardless of whether you could get over the inconvenience of being told she detests the ring you picked what do you do about it? A diamond engagement ring is a costly thing. Supplanting the failure that you purchased is going to hurt. Try not to chance to buy a diamond engagement ring she may loathe. Propose a sensible fake engagement ring. If she says yes then congrats and when time allows and spending plan permits, look for a genuine article together.

All About Bengal Cats

Bengal cats are hybrids created by crossing the Asian Leopard Cat, a small jungle-dwelling wild cat, with domestic cats such as the Egyptian Mau, Abyssinian, Burmese, and, more recently, the American Shorthair. A Bengal cat is considered domestic, or SBT (stud book tradition), once it is at least four generations away from the Asian Leopard Cat ancestor. SBT Bengals are loving and devoted companions. They enjoy people tremendously; some say they are more like dogs than cats! They have remarkably stable temperaments, probably because early developers of the breed insisted on breeding for personality as well as looks. And, speaking of personality, Bengals are bubbling over with it – they love to jump, dabble in water, fetch a ball, or simply nestle on your shoulder. Bengals can jump over five feet when an enticing toy inspires them!


Bengal cats do not behave like wildcats – not in any negative sense of the word. They have retained the prowess and intelligence of the Asian Leopard Cat, yet they have the loving and affectionate nature of a domestic cat. Bengals are not destructive! In fact, their alert intelligence allows them to be unusually responsive to training. Hence, all the testimony from Bengal owners of their cats walking with a harness and leash, enthusiastically jumping hurdles in agility contests, fetching on command…the list is only limited by gravity and your imagination!

Bengal cats are available in the two drawing variants spotted (spotted) and marbled (marble). In addition, these appear in different colors. The contrast between the basic color and the color of the pattern should be as high as possible, regardless of the drawing. The basic color of the brown Bengal cat varies from yellow to red to golden.

Since in Bengal cat the color darkens until around the age of four, a yellow base color is considered ideal at birth. The color of the polka dots varies widely between jet black, dark brown, and rust-brown. The darker this is in contrast to the basic color, the stronger the contrast, of course. The size of the spots is also important for the contrast. Every spot size is permissible as long as it stands out well from the base color.

In addition to the wildcat-like brown color, the Bengal cat is also available in the colors Silver and Snow. The Snow Bengal cat is further divided into three color variants- Seal Sepia, Seal Mink and Seal Lynx. Like most of the Bengal Cats, the Snow Bengal Cat also comes in two marking patterns- marbled and spotted.

However, do not expect your Bengal cat to do any certain trick. Bengals are individuals; that are part of their charm. For instance, some will dive in the bathtub with you, while others prefer to daintily dip their paws under a running faucet. Like people, each Bengal is unique, complete with his or her own special traits. In short, we love these wonderful, quirky cats; and, looking back, we can’t imagine how boring our lives were without them!

Shungite – A real jewel

Shungite is one of the rarest crystals found on the planet. It is the only material to contain fullerenes in it. It plays a very vital role in our spiritual journey. As we know that in today’s modern world of technologies electromagnetic radiations are all over us and are causing a very adverse effect on our physical life, so to absorb the negative aspects of radiation we need an agent that can be used as a barrier against it and for this purpose Shungite is proved as the best shield that neutralizes the negative influence of this harmful radiations and essentially transforms the artificial EMFs into more compatible biological frequencies.


Shungite converts the Negative EMFs that come out of the electronic devices to positive energy. By keeping a piece of Shungite on our working table will provide us protection, carrying a piece of Shungite in our pocket or wearing an ornament made of Shungite in our body also provide the same positive effect. By daily wearing a Shungite bracelet on our wrist, we can ensure some energetic protection, no matter wherever we may be. Wearing Smart Watches creates lots of negative influence on our body so if we wear a Shungite bracelet along with it will neutralize the EMFs that the device emits.

Bracelets made of Shungite are very helpful in making the regular blood flow in our body. It is very useful in stress management. when a Shungite bracelet is worn at our left wrist the movement of blood starts from our left hand and moves to our brain which carries some carbonate type helpers which gets distributed to different parts of our cerebral system thereby improving the alpha and beta energy that is produced which in turn helps in memory restoration in our brain and in fact enables the strength energy of our brain to get energised. It enhances Libido and Stamina. It enhances the eyesight and helps the cerebellum to control the nervous system and the pulse gets energised. It works like a natural circuit in our body that processes current and as a result, increases energy levels, relieves anxiety and stress, energises and strengthens all the parts of our body and biofuels. Shungite attracts positive energy and brings calmness and joy to the person wearing it.

The use of Shungite bracelet definitely helps us to

  • Protect from geopathogenic events
  • Neutralize  electromagnetic waves
  • Stabilize blood pressure
  • Correct energy processes
  • Recharge and keep vitality in the human body.

Shungite in general is a god gift which eliminates viruses, increases vitality as well as heals many skin problems. Shungite has been called the medicine of the 21st century.

To keep our body protected from harmful diseases in this modern era the use of Shungite is very important. Ornaments made of Shungite are of various shapes, sizes and weight. Although it is a very unique material and originates only from Russia but can be easily bought by ordering online and also in many places it is available at the rock and the gem stores.

How to protect electrical equipment at home

The world as we know is dependant on electricity. There are electrical appliances all around us. From our day to day gadgets like mobile phones and tablets to high-end gadgets like the large TV screen on the wall or the high-end gaming consoles, everything operates on electricity. In short, electronic equipment makes our life easier and convenient. Because of this reason, it is really important to keep these devices safe from any kind of electrical harm.

The equipment that we use is fragile and prone to get destroyed when overused. To keep these safe, you have to keep checking the power supply and make sure that the appliances are not prone to any kind of damage from short circuits. 


There are some appliances which are vulnerable to voltage fluctuations. You have to ensure that you are taking the right measure to keep these appliances safe. Since these devices and gadgets make your life easy and comfortable, you have to make sure that they remain in good condition so that you can use them without any kind of disruption. 

So, how do you protect your electrical equipment at home?

Use voltage stabilizers

Using voltage stabilizers is a great way to protect your electrical appliances from any kind of harm. When choosing a stabilizer for your appliance, make sure to do some research and learn about the product as much as you can. Using the right stabilizer can protect your appliances. Using the wrong one can make your appliance prone to damage.

Check the appliances for leaks

Very often than not, appliances get damaged because of leaks. If you want to keep them protected, you have to check them from time to time. This way, you will keep them safe from any kind of damage. This is one of the best ways to protect your home appliances from getting damaged through electrical hazards.

Get the repairs done

Whenever you find some kind of damage in your electrical appliances, do not wait for the condition to get worse. Get the help of an electrician and get your appliances repaired as soon as possible. It is important to keep your appliances in good condition all the time. This is how you can keep them protected for years.

Check the voltage flow in your house

Make sure to check the voltage flow in the house. All your appliances consume voltage which can be calculated separately. Use online tools like www.powerfactorcalc.com to find the unit consumed by all your electrical equipment. Power Factor Calculator will help you in finding out which appliances are consuming more power. 

Did you find this post useful and informative? Do you have any questions or opinions on this topic? If so, make sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this post. We keep posting articles like this time and again. Make sure to come back for more informative articles in the future.


Pros and Cons of Internet Dating

There is so much hype around these days about dating online on apps like MeetMe and whether it is an acceptable and legitimate way to meet beautiful women. So, what are the pros and cons of online dating?


Pros of online dating:

  1. You save time. In fact, you save tons of time by being able to “approach” thousands of women online. If you had to go around to all the bars and clubs, it would take you 10 times longer to approach the same amount of women.
  2. It’s very cheap (or even free). Imagine dating lots of women and taking them out for dinner or to a bar… only to find that your date is not suitable. The cost of this will soon add up. If you’re meeting women online, you can have several email contacts with them and really get to know them before you advance to the next stage. This costs nothing, or very little in comparison.
  3. It’s extremely targeted. By looking at women’s’ profiles, you can select your exact age, looks, and personality requirements. AND… you can be very sure that they are SINGLE and looking for a partner. At bars and clubs, a big percentage of women WON’T be single, the right age or personality traits for you. This amounts to a lot of wasted time and cash.
  4. If you’re a shy type of person, it’s much easier to approach women online than out on the streets. You can get to know the woman, build rapport, and become comfortable with them before you meet in person. Just imagine being able to check out the profiles and photos of hundreds of gorgeous women and then select the ones that are most suitable to you. You’re then able to message or email these women, start a dialogue with them and hopefully make a few friends. Once you’ve made some connections, you can get their number, call up and arrange the first date and then meet up with them in person.

Cons of online dating:

  1. Friends and family may think you’re crazy or that there’s something wrong with you for dating online. But, as you’ve now discovered, the opposite is true… online dating is actually a very SMART and efficient way to go. Otherwise, just don’t tell them.
  2. Online dating will NOT work for a lot of men because they aren’t doing it right. If your profile isn’t good, or your email interactions are boring, you will probably fail. So how do we fix that? Answer: EDUCATION. Go here to find out more.
  3. You might get cheated by fake accounts created by crooked minded people. Many times people don’t give original photos and actual personal information in their online profiles, so you might get deceived by viewing their profile and later find that the actual person differs a lot in real.

That was our take on the pros and cons of dating online on apps like MeetMe. I hope you found some useful information out of this article. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Covid19 And The Use Of Masks

With the COVID19 outbreak still going strong around the world, pharmacies are running low on products on over the counter, flu-aids and masks in particular. Many people have rushed out to get them hoping that wearing a mask will keep them from getting the virus. It is even seen that people are using homemade masks to protect themselves. But scientific studies found out that these masks may not work as well as you’d think. A research panel suggested that covid19 patients must wear masks so that the virus does not infect healthy people around them through the droplets that come out when they sneeze or cough. The research also suggested that healthy people can wear FFP3 masks or at least an FFP2 mask to protect themselves, however, the use of a homemade mask is not advised.


So many people have rushed out to buy these masks and flu-related products this season that pharmacies are having trouble getting any more from their suppliers. Even doctors say that the people who should be wearing these masks are the ones who are already sick so that when they sneeze or cough, it doesn’t spread. For healthy patients, there are other better strategies to protect themselves. While the virus can be transmitted through droplets in the air, it’s also passed along on surfaces. So, doctors advise that frequent hand-washing and social distancing are the best ways to go. While masks could protect from some airborne pathogens if you’re in close contact with someone who already has the virus, after a while the condensation from your breath can make the mask ineffective. The protective barrier from the mask gets broken down.

There are several misconceptions out there about how you can get the virus. There is a myth among people that the virus can’t spread if you are feeling healthy. But, according to the World Health Organization, you can! About one-fourth of people carrying the virus are asymptomatic, i.e. they have no symptoms. Another myth is that the virus can spread from flies. But experts say that flies can’t transmit the infection. The only way of getting infected is actually being exposed to the virus. 

The most recent report from the World Health Organization shows that 80% of all COVID19 deaths have been to people aged 65 or older. The total number of people who have died since the start of coronavirus (COVID19) in December 2019 is over fifty thousand until the first week of April 2020. Almost the entire world has gone into lockdown mode due to the terror created by this virus.

I really hope this article has provided useful information and guidance for you to fight the COVID19 outbreak. Do you have any queries or suggestions related to this article? If you have any, feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below. I will try and answer all your questions and take your feedback into consideration. Also, let me know if you want to find out more about infectious diseases and pandemics. I will be glad to share more insights with you. Lastly, stay home and stay safe.

Dietary Pills or Gemstones, Which is Best for Weight Loss

These days, many people are battling excess weight due to unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and hormone imbalances. Irrespective of the reason, obesity and overweight can lead to various health issues such as heart diseases, blood pressure and lots more. Hence, most of the obese people are hunting for a way to lose weight and stay healthy. If you are an individual suffering from excess weight, there are plenty of products out there that can help you. Your health is too vital for you to toss it away so easily.

Before you go purchasing dietary aids, remember that these are merely aids. They should not become the central point for your ability to lose weight. You still need to exercise and eat a balanced diet. Tossing back some pills can help expedite these processes, but they are not the sole reason for you losing weight. At the end of the day, your motivation and drive to lose weight are going to be the real factors that help you lose weight. Now, let’s looks at some remedies out there. 


Dietary Aids

There are numerous categories for dietary aids on the market: appetite suppressors, metabolic enhancers, thermogenics, etc. Each of these categories is aimed to assist a specific demographic. You need to figure out which demographic you fall in and then pursue that avenue. 

You need to ask yourself, “Am I looking to keep weight off, or am I looking to lose weight?” This is an important question that can help you take the first step toward a dietary aid. If you need to keep weight off, you are looking for an appetite suppressor. But, if you want to lose weight, you are looking more toward the thermogenic or metabolic enhancer route. Both of these are designed to enhance your body’s ability to burn off calories and destroy all of those stored pockets of fat.


There are plenty of weight loss products out there to help you get your ideal body, so there really is no excuse anymore. You can shape the way your body looks and feels, and you can do it relatively quickly. Even there are gemstones available to help you do that. If you search online you can find different types of stones for weight loss. However, choosing the right gemstone will be very tricky, as there are many sellers who claim to sell the best quality stones for weight loss. But, not all of them actually work.

Gems like Green Tourmaline, Ethiopian Opal, Cerussite, Sunstone, Green Heulandite, Dream Quartz, and Purple Amethyst can be very handy for weight loss. Wearing gemstones for weight loss is one of the most effective and safe ways to lose weight as they do not have any side effects like the dietary pills might have. These gemstones are also popular for their healing properties. They not only control your craving for food but also create a positive vibrational energy around you.

How I travel around the world with almost no money

Traveling is one of the most desired things to do for many. However, not everyone makes an effort to plan their travel. Most people think that traveling is a luxury only for the rich and well to do. It is a misconception, and in this article, I’m going to explain why such thinking is not valid in today’s world.

Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive. Some people travel the world for free. Yes, you read that right. Initially, there are expenses in traveling. But, as you keep traveling and keep growing your social media presence, you get opportunities for sponsored trips. This means free travel.

Some of you might be thinking as to how exactly you can afford free travel. To know this, you will have to read this article till the end. In this article, I have explained the exact process I follow to travel dirt cheap and get opportunities for free travel.


To start with, let me tell you that this is NOT a detailed guide. It is merely a summary of the things I do before and during my travel to enjoy my journey while keeping my budget low.

1. Get Couchsurfing opportunities

One of the first things I do when planning my travel is to visit this website called couchsurfing.com and find someone to host me in the place I want to visit. There are friendly people all over the world, and I happen to find places to stay for free all the time via couchsurfing.com.

2. Hitchhike whenever you can

Hitchhiking is one of the most effective ways to travel when you are in a new place. Most people are willing to help foreign nationals in their country. You can find friendly locals while hitchhiking, and some of them go the extra mile to make sure that you are comfortable in their country. Trust me; it is one of the best ways to save money and travel for free in a new country.

3. Volunteer for a free stay

One of the most exciting things about volunteering is that you get to stay in a new country for a long time. There are many online platforms where you can register for volunteering services and get food and accommodation in exchange for some services. In my many years of traveling, I have found my own way of volunteering. I meet local truck drivers in the country I visit and do their odd jobs in exchange for a place to stay and travel. I even offer them information related to truck driving, such as the best truck undercoating products and other such stuff. I remember there was this one truck driver who saved more than a $1000 yearly when I recommended him the best truck undercoating products.

These are the three basic things I do to travel for cheap. I’ve been traveling like these for many years now. There are many things I want to share with you about my travels and the lessons I’ve learned while traveling. I will share more details in my future articles. Make sure to come back. I will also write an article on my experiences of traveling in trucks in many different countries of the world.